There is no such thing as software development

scientific software

It's hard to find an aspect of modern life that is not influenced in some way by software. Some of it is very visible, for example the Web browser I start on my computer. Other software is completely invisible, such as the software controlling my car's diesel engine. Some software is safety critical, for example flight control software in airplanes. Other software is used in a much more futile way, such as playing games. I could go on listing characteristics in which different software packages differ, but I will leave it at that - I don't really expect anyone to disagree about the ubiquity and diversity of software in our increasingly digital world.

Given this diversity, it is surprising how many seem to consider "software development", and related terms such as "software engineering", as general concepts requiring no further qualification. In particular, plenty of people are happy to discuss in an abstract way how software should best be developed, without any reference to a concrete application domain, project size, expected longevity, etc. Imagine we did the same for the world of atoms, lumping together activities as distinct as chemical synthesis, carpentry, and dental surgery under the label "matter manipulation", and starting a discussion about best practices for matter manipulation. I doubt anyone would take such a debate seriously.

A good example of such an overly abstract discussion is the one about the benefits of static typing. There is a large camp of static typing enthusiasts who claim that static typing is Right with a capital R. They argue that it's always better to have correctness guarantees than not to have them. The implicit assumption is that static typing comes at no cost, which is manifestly false. The main contributions to this cost are 1) additional cognitive load, 2) the need to work around the limitations of a type checker, and 3) additional barriers to the combination of independently developed libraries. As soon as one admits the necessity of a cost-benefit analysis for static typing, it quickly becomes obvious that this can only be done for 1) some specific category of software and 2) a specific type system. The question then becomes: is type system A useful for improving the quality of software in application domain X? A nice example of this point of view is given by Rich Hickey in his keynote on "Effective Programs", where he explains why none of the well-known type systems are useful for the kind of software he writes, leading to his decision to design Clojure as a dynamically typed language.

Focusing software development questions on specific software categories has many potential benefits. Perhaps most importantly, it permits formulating questions in a precise enough way to make them amenable to empirical verification (aka "the scientific method"), acting at the same time as a safeguard against overly generalizing the conclusions from empirical studies. Moreover, the study of specific use cases is likely to lead to improvements in the methodology. In my example of static typing, it can be expected that once type system designers adopt the habit of thinking about specific software categories, they will design and evaluate type systems for various important application domains, taking into account both the kind of data being processed and the kinds of mistakes one would like to protect oneself against. Even better, once type system designers recognize that there is no single type system to rule them all, they might start to think about how to combine pieces of software written using different type systems. In the end, the three cost factors I mentioned might all end up heavily reduced.

Since there is a chance that some type system designers are reading this, I'll profit from having their attention and suggest developing a type system for numerical computations, which by some strange coincidence is what I do in my own work. In this application domain, most data represents physical quantities and its low-level representation is "float" or "array of floats". Properties that one could usefully monitor in the course of type checking are dimensions and units, but also positivity or non-zeroness. For array operations, the compatibility of array dimensions is worth a check as well. A static proof of complete absence of such mistakes is probably not doable, but detecting as many mistakes as possible while inserting run-time checks for the rest is probably a very useful compromise. It is also worth considering some important sub-categories of numerical software, in particular the different layers of the scientific software stack that I have described before. The required guarantees are much higher for infrastructure software (layer 2) than for scripts and workflows (layer 4), and infrastructure developers can be expected to invest more effort to ensure correctness. However, this does raise the question of type-checking at the interface between layers, a possible solution being gradual typing.

Static typing is merely one example for the importance of looking at specific software application domains, there are many others. The utility of paradigms such as object-oriented or functional programming is also mostly discussed in the abstract, as are the relative merits of development strategies like test-driven or agile development. Finally, some less discussed but practically important questions could get more limelight exposure if formulated more concretely in the context of specific applications. I am thinking for example of the choice between using external libraries and writing one's own code, involving the trade-off between development effort and the long-term risk of uncontrollable dependencies.

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