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Sheldrake's New Science of Life

One of the books I read during my summer vacation is the recently published second edition of Rupert Sheldrake's "A New Science of Life". It is one of the most controversial books in science, having been both praised and condemned; a review of the first edition in the renowned science journal Nature concluded that this book should be burnt!

The question that Sheldrake addresses in this book is where form comes from. What defines the arrangements of atoms in a molecule? Or in a crystal? Why do proteins fold into their characteristic structures? How do biological molecules assemble into cells? And how to cells divide and specialize to form an embryo?

The standard reply to these questions you can find in science textbooks is that all these forms come from the fundamental interactions of physics. Molecules are simply energetically favorable arrangements of atoms. Proteins fold in such a way that free energy is minimized. Cells assemble as a result of complex attractive interactions between its constituents, which ultimately can be reduced to fundamental physics. Embryos develop according to a "genetic program" stored in the fecundated egg's DNA.

As Sheldrake rightly emphasizes, even though it may come as a surprise to most non-experts, these affirmations cannot be verified. They express a common belief among practicing scientists, and they are compatible with everything we know about nature, but they may well be wrong. We simply cannot verify them because the fundamental equations of physics can be solved only for very simple systems. Even for one of the simplest molecules, water, we cannot predict the arrangement of its atoms directly from the basic principles of physics. What we use in practice are approximations, but these approximations have been selected because they permit to predict the known molecular structures. We cannot use such approximations to verify more fundamental problems.

Sheldrake proposes an alternative theory, based on what he calls "morphogenetic fields". From my point of view as a physicist, the name is not very well chosen because these entities do not correspond to what a physicist would call a field, but of course this term may be perfectly clear to biologists. It's a minor point because Sheldrake explains this concept very clearly in his book. In summary, his theory says that forms exist because they have existed before; atoms, molecules, and cells arrange themselves into patterns that they "remember" from the past. His morphogenetic fields are a giant database of forms that the universe keeps around forever.

The main "problem" with this theory is that if it is right, even just approximately, then standard science, from physics to biology, is very much wrong. It is probably for this reason that his book has attracted so much criticism from the science establishment. Otherwise, there is little one could criticize: Sheldrake explains his theory and its consequences for chemistry and biology, and he proposes a large number of experimental verifications that would permit to test it. This is science at its best. Of course his theory may turn out to require modifications, or even be completely wrong, but that is true of any scientific theory when it is first formulated.

In fact, I recommend this book to anyone interested in the scientific process because of its detailed discussion of how scientific discovery works. I haven't seen many books accessible to non-specialists that explain the limits of verifiability of a scientific theory, for example. Nor have I seen any other book that makes the distinction between verified theories and widely accepted but untested beliefs so clear as Sheldrake does. Even if you don't care about his theory, you can gain a lot from reading this book.

Functional programming for scientific computing

With the increasing importance of parallel computers, ranging from multi-core desktop machines to massively parallel machines such as IBM's BlueGene, functional programming could well become an important technique for scientific software development, as it facilitates program transformations (including those for automatic or semi-automatic parallelization) considerably. It also appeals to the mathematical bend of many scientists in making it possible to apply mathematical reasoning to computer programs. The downside: there is a steep learning curve for those familiar with traditional programming (called "imperative").

I have written an introduction to functional programming for scientists for the July issue of Computing in Science and Engineering. It is also available (free access) via IEEE's Computing Now portal:

While I don't expect functional programming to be adopted rapidly by computational scientists, I am convinced that ten years from now, it will be an essential item in everyone's toolbox. Better start preparing yourself now!

Static typing and code clutter

Among the many characteristics that distinguish programming languages, static vs. dynamic typing is one of the most debated ones. The main advantages claimed by the advocates of static typing are that compile-time type checks make code more robust and that static typing allows a compiler to do better optimizations. The dynamic programming camp points out the simplicity and flexibility of a language that requires no type declaration and that permits a piece of code to handle data objects defined well after it was written. Both sides are right and the choice is ultimately one of personal preference.

I have used various programming languages over the years, including both statically typed and dynamically typed ones. But when given a choice, I have always preferred dynamic typing. Since 1995, my main programming language has been Python, and more recently I have started to use Clojure. One of the reasons for this preference is something that I have never seen expressed before: static typing often adds visual clutter to the code that makes it harder to read.

An important property of any non-trivial computer program is its clarity to human readers. Both verification of a program's correctness and the overall utility of a piece of code in a context of changing requirements depend on this. Well-written specifications and unit tests help as well, but if you want my advice on the quality of a piece of code, or if you want my help with modifying it, my judgement will mostly be based on its clarity. If it's an effort to understand what's going on, I wouldn't want to work with it.

This criterion for code quality immediately translates into a criterion for programming languages: they should be able to express as many concepts of software engineering as possible in a direct, explicit way and without imposing any clutter or obfuscation. Static type systems often get in the way, either by imposing clutter or by encouraging a less clear programming style.

In my examples, I will use the languages Haskell (static typing) and Clojure (dynamic typing) for illustration. Haskell has one of the best type systems available at the moment, so if Haskell can't avoid the problems that I point out, it is likely that no other current language will do a better job. Clojure is a good comparison because like Haskell it is designed for a functional programming style. Of course, it also helps that I am reasonably familiar with both languages.

Example 1: abstract data types

The idea behind abstract data types is that the concrete representation of some data structure should be hidden from client code, which accesses the data structure only through a set of interface functions. Let's look at how this is typically implemented in Haskell, using the PFP library for probabilistic programming as the example (just because I happen to know it, many other libraries could serve the same purpose). In PFP, a probability distribution is represented by an abstract data type Dist a defined as
newtype Dist a = D {unD :: [(a,ProbRep)]}

This says that internally, Dist is a list of (a, ProbRep) pairs. The single constructor D converts such a list to the abstract data type Dist, whereas unD does the inverse: it makes the contents of a Dist value accessible for inspection.

The problem with this is that all of the implementation code for PFP is littered with D and unD, although they don't do anything and add nothing to the clarity of the code. They are there only to make sure that the signature of the functions contains the abstract type Dist a instead of the internal representation [(a,ProbRep)]. For the reader of the PFP code trying to understand how it works, this is clutter. There are also a couple of functions that exist only for dealing with the artificial distinction between Dist a and [(a,ProbRep)], for example
sizeD :: Dist a -> Int
sizeD = length . unD

which replaces the list function length (familiar to every Haskell programmer) by a special version whose purpose the reader has to remember.

A Clojure library that is essentially equivalent to PFP (look at the source code) is much shorter, and in my opinion much clearer. It represents a probability distribution by a map (known in other languages as a dictionary or an associative array) and directly uses Clojure's map operations to work on it. No visual overhead, no clutter. Of course, as static typing advocates would be quick to point out, no protection of the internal representation either: client code could directly manipulate the maps used to represent distributions, potentially creating maps that are not valid probability distributions. I have never run into such a problem in 15 years of using dynamically typed languages, but in principle it is possible.

It would be possible to avoid the code obfuscation due to abstract data types by recognizing that abstract data types are an interface issue and not a type issue. A language could provide an explicit declaration of an interface for a module where the function signatures would be given with the abstract data type, even though the concrete representation is used in the implementations. The compiler could verify the coherence of everything. But I haven't seen anything like this in any statically typed language.

Note also that something very similar could be implemented in Clojure: A couple of macros would provide wrappers around the exported functions that add type verification at runtime. However, this says more about the advantage of having a powerful macro system than about the advantages of dynamic typing.

Example 2: monads

A monad is package consisting of a data structure (or, more precisely, certain properties that a data structure must have) and two functions bind and result. A subclass of monads also has a special value called zero and a subclass of this subclass has one more function called plus. All these definitions must obey certain rules to make a valid monad.

In Haskell, there is a typeclass Monad that defines bind (called >>=) and result (called return), and another typeclass MonadPlus that defines mzero and mplus. A monad is defined by providing instances for concrete data types. When monadic operations are used, the type inference system identifies the data type and selects the corresponding operations. From the client's point of view, a monad thus is defined by a type.

There are a few drawbacks of this setup:

In Clojure, monads are values, not types. In client code, a monad is selected explicitly by the programmer by surrounding the monadic code by a with-monad form that specifies the monad to be used. Usually the monad is named explicitly, but since monads are values, they can also be represented by a variable. A Clojure monad can be used with any data type that the definitions of the monadic operations accept, and any number of monads can be defined for a data type.

In Clojure it is the data structure that almost disappears from monad handling; the constraints on the monadic values are given only as documentation for the human reader. As with other aspects of dynamic typing, this provides more flexibility and less protection.

For standard monads, I'd say that the clarity of code is roughly equivalent in Haskell and Clojure. Haskell gains a bit in making the data structure explicit, Clojure gains a bit in making the monad explicit at the point of use. Both work pretty well.

This changes when monad transformers come into play. In the Haskell world, this is perhaps the most frightening concept to newcomers. Monad transformers are surrounded by an aura of mystery, they are only for the real experts. I think that this is at least in part due to the complexity of defining monad transformers in a type system.

Here's how Haskell defines the list monad transformer; only the relevant parts are shown:
newtype ListT m a = ListT { runListT :: m [a] }

instance (Monad m) => Monad (ListT m) where
return a = ListT $ return [a]
m >>= k = ListT $ do
a <- runListT m
b <- mapM (runListT . k) a
return (concat b)

As in the case of abstract data types, there is a data type definition for ListT that does nothing but introduce a new notation for the type m[a]. ListT and runListT are just notation converters that don't actually do anything useful. But unlike in the case of abstract data types, they are indispensable here. Monads are types, and therefore there has to be a new type to make a new monad. It doesn't help that the name runListT is a particularly bad choice: it suggest an action where there is none.

The definitions of return and >>= aren't masterpieces of clarity either. It takes a careful analysis of each function and its (inferred, and thus unwritten) type to understand which monad is being used where.

For comparison, here is the corresponding monad transformer in Clojure, again reduced to the basics:
(defn sequence-t [m]
[m-result (with-monad m
(fn [v]
(m-result (list v))))
m-bind (with-monad m
(fn [mv f]
[a mv
b (m-map f a)]
(flatten b))))]))

Since monads are values, monad transformers are simply functions that take a monad argument and return another monad. It is also clear at a glance that inside the definition of each monad operation, all references to monad operations are to be interpreted in the inner monad. This doesn't make monad transformers trivial to understand, of course, but it is a lot clearer.

Monads in Clojure

One of my hobby projects over the last months has been the exploration of monads. Monads are packages consisting of a data structure and associated control structures that are used as abstractions in functional programming. They were popularized by the Haskell language, where they play a central role in introducing side effects (such as I/O) in a controlled way into a language that is otherwise purely functional.

Since I was also exploring Clojure, an interesting new dialect of Lisp that strongly encourages a purely functional programming style (but doesn't enforce it), I decided to explore monads by writing a monad library for Clojure. My experience is that monads are quite useful in Clojure as well, and that once you get used to monads, you see occasions for using them almost everywhere. If you have been hesitating to tackle monads seriously, I can only encourage you to go on!

I have also written a monad tutorial for Clojure programmers, which I published on the OnClojure blog. It consists of four parts:

  1. Part 1 introduces the concept of monads and illustrates it with the identity and maybe monads.

  2. Part 2 explains the importance of m-result using the sequence monad as an example. It also covers the monad laws.

  3. Part 3 is about m-zero and m-plus, and explains the state monad.

  4. Part 4 covers the probability monad and monad transformers.

I hope that this tutorial facilitates a first contact with monads for those who are more familiar with Lisp syntax than with Haskell syntax.
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